Weather Cast

Find out the weather forecast
anywhere in the world

The developer of My Free Weather is no longer
providing support for the program. Although you
can still download it, we can't guarantee that it
will function correctly.
If you're planning to travel or just want the latest
information on weather conditions in your local
area, you'll need a decent weather tracker.
MyFreeWeather allows you to view the sky in any
city in the world and track local weather.

can track a moving storm & weather patterns via
satellite & radar although this can be painfully
slow at updating. Naturally, you can also view
daily and detailed forecasts, local time and date
for any location worldwide, plus alerts for severe

To search, just enter the city and
country and the program does the rest.
It's certainly a comprehensive weather tool -
apart from all the aforementioned features, it
also shows other information such as wind speed
and direction, humidity and visibility, as well as a
five-day forecast graphic with the maximum and
minimum temperature.

It would have been much
better if the program was based on webcams
pointing at the sky in each country because in
reality, what you are seeing is a computer
generated impression of what it should look like
based on weather readings.
However, this is an attractive and detailed
weather forecasts and tracker that provides all
the info you'll need about any major location


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